Recommendations regarding road tunnel drivers' training and information

A follow-up on the report « Human Factors and safety from the view point of users » that was published in 2008 by the World Road Association, this new work by Technical Committee C4 - Road Tunnel Operations - aims at giving key information and instructions to drivers in order to enable them to adopt the adequate behavior in the 3 situations they can face when travelling through a tunnel : during normal situation, minor incident or major incident.
After describing the experience of driving in the 3 already-mentioned situations, the report is dedicated to educational elements on road tunnel safetypresented in easy-to-read tables along with illustrations. Knowledge onroad tunnel safetyaimed at trainers/organizers of training sessions are followed by simple instructions/key information for drivers whether they attend a training session or have the information delivered to them on leaflets or brochures.
One of the key lessons of the report is that special consideration needs to be paid to drivers of goods vehicle and other professional drivers (taxis, public transport drivers...). These professional drivers make up a target-group to be considered by road tunnel operators/owners for any training on road tunnel safety : an analysis of real events show that this category of drivers often had the'right reflexes' in case of fire necessitating self-evacuation. Evidence shows thatdrivers of goods vehicle and other professional drivers have played an exemplary and leading role in extreme situations.
Information sheet
- Date: 2011
- Author(s): Comité technique AIPCR C.4 Exploitation des tunnels routiers / PIARC Technical Committee C.4 Road Tunnel Operation
- Domain(s): Risk Management / Road Safety / Road Network Operations / Road Tunnel Operations
- PIARC Ref.: 2011R04EN
- ISBN: 2-84060-235-0
- Number of pages: 193